By |2022-10-06T15:32:56+01:006th October 2022|Announcements|

Contributors @OliverUweHahn, @ben-thul, @kekcjkee, @marcingminski and @pluim003 Changes Fix #410 (#411 by @kekcjkee) Bug Fixes Fix 417 (#456 by @marcingminski)fix #417 (#454 by @marcingminski)#403 - Performance Patch (#450 by @OliverUweHahn)Fix #437 (#440 by @pluim003) Maintenance Update build to include dashboard files (#453 by @marcingminski)Version bump to 4.4 (#452 by @marcingminski)Fixed minor typo, formatting change in README.md (#447 by @ben-thul)Minor grammar change (#446 by @ben-thul)Remove old PBI dashboard (#405 by @marcingminski) https://github.com/marcingminski/sqlwatch/releases/tag/4.4

I am a Microsoft MVP!

By |2021-12-02T23:15:16+00:002nd December 2021|Announcements|

I am pleased to announce that I have been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award in the Data Platform category for the year 2022. I was not expecting it at all so I have not had a blog post ready for when I get it. This is just [...]

I am expanding this blog

By |2021-11-19T22:39:49+00:0015th October 2021|Announcements|

Those who closely follow this blog and myself will know that SQLWATCH and thus this blog were an offshoot of my original blog, firstly at https://marcingminski.com and then https://marcin.gminski.net. It all started with this post https://marcin.gminski.net/blog/sql-server-performance-dashboard-using-powerbi/ and this is how SQLWATCH was born and how I ended up with essentiall [...]

Recent Test Posts

By |2021-11-19T22:42:28+00:0030th September 2021|Announcements|

Apologies if you have received an email with random test content. I wanted to try a new template for the website and blog and somehow it decided that it will be a good idea to auto-post and thus trigger an email with some demo-content. #NeverTestInProduction

Version 4.1 is now available

By |2021-10-01T00:27:17+01:0010th May 2021|Announcements|

Contributors @marcingminski and @tarmstrong24 Features Change to parse job name and replace binary value with Job Name (#313 by @marcingminski)Added default ERRORLOG keywords that are worth monitoring. (#319 by @marcingminski)Improvements to the test suite (#323 by @marcingminski)Tweaks to the test suite (#330 by @marcingminski)Feature tests (#317 by @marcingminski)Feature tests (#316 by @marcingminski)Added separate database for automated tests (#321 by @marcingminski)Add instance name to the Test Suite [...]

We’re moving to queues

By |2021-04-12T23:16:34+01:009th April 2021|Announcements|

Some time ago I asked on GitHub whether we should move to using SQL Server Service Broker rather than SQL Agent jobs. Sadly, there have been zero responses from the community, so I made my own decision. You can guess what the decision was. What is Service Broker SQL Server [...]

What’s new in version 3

By |2021-10-01T00:27:58+01:002nd April 2021|Announcements|

Version 3 of SQLWATCH brings several, long-awaited features that should make your SQL Server monitoring easier and better. Grafana Dashboard The history of SQLWATCH goes back to around 2010, when it was just a bunch of scripts and agent jobs for ad-hoc performance data collection. Once collected, it would then [...]

SQLWATCH 2.5 is now available

By |2020-06-10T00:28:46+01:0010th June 2020|Announcements|

Fixed an issue where table utilisation was not being collected for databases other than SQLWATCH. As all tables are being processed now, the execution time for [dbo].[usp_sqlwatch_logger_disk_utilisation_table] may increase considerably. Please test it in your environment first. In case you have missed 2.4 update, there have been a lot of changes: Many [...]