Want to learn about SQLWATCH?
Join me online at Data York where I will explain what SQLWATCH is, how to install it, and how to use it. Here's the link to the event: Introduction to SQLWATCH with Marcin Gminski, Thu, Apr 6, 2023, 7:00 PM | Meetup
Join me online at Data York where I will explain what SQLWATCH is, how to install it, and how to use it. Here's the link to the event: Introduction to SQLWATCH with Marcin Gminski, Thu, Apr 6, 2023, 7:00 PM | Meetup
Contributors @OliverUweHahn, @ben-thul, @kekcjkee, @marcingminski and @pluim003 Changes Fix #410 (#411 by @kekcjkee) Bug Fixes Fix 417 (#456 by @marcingminski)fix #417 (#454 by @marcingminski)#403 - Performance Patch (#450 by @OliverUweHahn)Fix #437 (#440 by @pluim003) Maintenance Update build to include dashboard files (#453 by @marcingminski)Version bump to 4.4 (#452 by @marcingminski)Fixed minor typo, formatting change in README.md (#447 by @ben-thul)Minor grammar change (#446 by @ben-thul)Remove old PBI dashboard (#405 by @marcingminski) https://github.com/marcingminski/sqlwatch/releases/tag/4.4
Thanks to Steve Jones for hosting February month of T-SQL Tuesday! This month T-SQL Tuesday is all about SQL Server upgrades. Thank you, Kevin and Deepthi for the reminder. I had forgotten about T-SQL Tuesday this time but hopefully, the below, although written in a rush, will make sense and may even [...]
There are two types of DBAs. Those that run SQL Server on the default port 1433 and those that don't. Those that do not run on the default port 1433 say it's more secure, and those who do say it's "security by obscurity" do not make it any more secure. [...]
Happy New Year SQLWATCHers, thank you for your support so far. I am looking forward to 2022 with new ideas and plans for SQLWATCH. Stay tuned.
I am pleased to announce that I have been awarded the Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award in the Data Platform category for the year 2022. I was not expecting it at all so I have not had a blog post ready for when I get it. This is just [...]
I previously blogged about Rapid test instances with Docker and Azure, but I recently came across another product I started using for SQLWATCH testing, Windocks. What is Windocks Windocks, as the name may suggest, is a containerisation solution for SQL Server on Windows. It does way more than just containerising [...]
SQL Server has been around for decades, but I still come across companies that do not have dedicated DBAs and do not understand the concept of Log Backups, which often means they put their data at risk. Recovery Objectives Let's start with the basics. The best way to pick the [...]
I was going to write about real-time alerts only, but I hear more and more businesses talk about real-time Data Warehouses so I threw them both into a single post. If you are a business owner, I want you to read this and think before asking your developers to build [...]
Not a strictly SQL Server related topic, but I know many of you want to know this. Let's talk about how I built the Data Community Events Aggregator. When the Great Lockdowns of 2020 started, most user groups and community conferences went online. This has created an opportunity for everyone [...]