About Marcin Gminski

I am Marcin (pronounced Marchin, a bit like marching). I live in the UK, and I am building SQLWATCH as a side project whilst I help companies run their Data Platform and solve their issues, taking their pain away. You can also find me speaking about SQLWATCH and SQL Server Performance at various conferences and user groups.

I am expanding this blog

By |2021-11-19T22:39:49+00:0015th October 2021|Announcements|

Those who closely follow this blog and myself will know that SQLWATCH and thus this blog were an offshoot of my original blog, firstly at https://marcingminski.com and then https://marcin.gminski.net. It all started with this post https://marcin.gminski.net/blog/sql-server-performance-dashboard-using-powerbi/ and this is how SQLWATCH was born and how I ended up with essentiall [...]

Recent Test Posts

By |2021-11-19T22:42:28+00:0030th September 2021|Announcements|

Apologies if you have received an email with random test content. I wanted to try a new template for the website and blog and somehow it decided that it will be a good idea to auto-post and thus trigger an email with some demo-content. #NeverTestInProduction

Negative identities

By |2021-11-19T22:49:30+00:0023rd September 2021|Blog Articles|

The identity value in relational databases is a field that increases automatically. It is often used to create surrogate primary keys. Surrogate keys Surrogate keys are meaningless and are only used to uniquely identify the row, not the data itself. For example, assume the following table: CREATE TABLE people ( [...]

How does monitoring affect your server?

By |2023-07-06T23:51:39+01:009th September 2021|Blog Articles|

The observer effect is a term used in physics and it means that observing a phenomenon changes that phenomenon. Therefore, an object that is being observed, is looking different to the same, not observed object. How is this possible? In physics, this is to do with photons and electrons. An [...]